Minor: Character Base Shape

After looking at the mock up designs for my characters that I have put together, I have started to build up the final designs from the base shapes onwares so that I can get it set in stone before moving on.

The reason that I am doing this is because I have had some trouble getting the overall shape of them right and this has lead to me having to going over the whole design just to fix it. So I have decided take it step by step and catch the problems from the start.

Most of the shapes that I have used for the characters I am happy with but there are parts that I needed to work out more, such as the arms and the Sun's waist, but I think that I have gotten them to a point now where I am happy with how they look. If not then it's a good start. I have left out the hands for the time being as I feel that part is going to be abit harder for me to do.

Moon and Sun's new base shapes designs
Any feedback is welcomed.


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