Major: Stars Model UV

I have now gotten to another part in my animation where I've had to create another prop for the scene to help me move on to the next part.

The scene in question is when the stars start to appear in the sky after the crown breaks, I wasn't too sure how I was going to do this so decided to try somethings out. I was thinking that I could easily change the texture of the skydome light so that it would look like the stars where fading in to view but after looking around the settings I found this would be too difficult to do, so I decided that I would use stars that I've modeled in Maya and find a way of changing the visibility of them to make them fade in.

I did have to keep in mind that the stars had to be simple shapes so that they fitted in to my work, so I picked a simple 4 pointed star shape as I felt that this would match up with the pieces seen when the crown breaks.

Large Star And Small Star UVed


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