Major: Crown Moving Issue

As I've been doing the object exchange tutorial to help me move Sun's crown off of his head so that it looks like Moon is holding it, I came across a problem. When the Crown Locator has to swap from the World control to the Moon control that I've set up, it will suddenly jump to a different location in the scene even though it is one frame apart.

I don't know if I have to use a different value to make it stay with the hand as Moon moves round or that I'm going to have to animation that shot by hand like I've done with everything else.


  1. Hi Rhia to bypass this issue what you could do is use two different scenes, so just before when Moon takes the crown off is one scene and then when Moon first touches the crown to take it off is another scene, in the second scene for moon you could then move the crown locator, I did this method with my Previz for when Mrs Pratt hands Young Graeme the art notes, hope it helps :)

    1. Thanks for the idea Graeme but Alan has shown me a way of how to fix the problem.


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