Major: First Playblasts

As I been animating I have been playblasting the scenes so that I can get an understanding of what the shot is looking like when played through. I'm doing this as in Maya the animation stutters sometimes because of objects being turned on and off along with the face textures switching between each other.

As I have be doing this I have been finding problems that have made me think about the ways that I frame my shots along with the way that the characters are rigged. Some of the shots that I had wanted to used now seem to be too difficult to do with the style of the stage that the characters are standing on, such as the camera turning round abit to show that the Sun has been watching the Moon became too taxing so I had to drop the it and have the camera cutting back to the Sun instead.

It also helped me to spot parts of the video that will need to be edited for the final film, such as adding in a close up shot of the characters at the begining before fading to the next shot showing the full length of them before they start to spin.

I've also found that the values that I set for the characters' arms created problems when I was trying to move them in to the desired pose. After some time with being able to get round this, by angling the camera to cover up the error, I desided that this was just making things stressful and chose to go back and edit the values so that the characters had better movement. This will need that I will have to re-animate the shots but hopefully it will make them easier to work with.


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