
Showing posts from March, 2018

@Alan - UV Editor Trouble

For some reason my UV editer as a different set up to the one in the tutorial. I don't know if this has something to do with the fact that I'm using Maya 2017 and the tutorial is using Maya 2016 Extension 2. I tryed to follow the tutorial with what I have but soon became stuck when I had to us the cut tool.

Maya Tutorial - Body Modeling 2


Toolkit 2: Progress Report

 Drawing: Life Drawing - Character Design - Mudbox - Sculting - I still need to create the last scene for Mudbox which has had some draw backs along with needing to finish off one of the other models. Maya: Pipeline/ Lighting and Rending - I know I'm behind with the tutorials but I plan dedicate one of the two weeks we are off to catching up with them. I also seem to find it hard to sit down and do the tutorials but this might just be down to the way I work. Animation: Poses - and Weight Lifting - http://rcan...

Acting: Lesson 3

In our third acting lesson we were still looking at status and the importance that it plays. The first task that we did involved us once again getting a card with a number on it but this time we couldn't look at it. After putting it on our self's so that we couldn't see it but everyone else could we played out a scene of being in an art gallery and playing the characters in with it. Afterwares, we had to put our selves in order, from high to low, of what status we thought we had. I struggled with this one as I just kept forgetting about the cards (I was some how missing them) and acting as the status of the character I had and not looking at the cards/ statuses everyone else and acting to that. The next scene we played was set in a wild west saloon. One person would walk in playing the role of the fearsome gunslinger and everyone else would have to fall silent. The gunslinger would then walk up to the bar, in their own time, and say one word - "Whiskey" befo...

Acting: Lesson 2

In our second lesson we looked at the idea of status and how it can effect the way that we act. One of the tasks that we had to do was to A chair was placed in the middle of the room and we were each given a card numbered 1 to 10 and where told to way walk up to it acting as the status indicated by the card we had, 1 being low status and 10 being high status. The chair it's self equaled a status of 5 so we had to also act to it as our given status as well. After each person had gone the rest of us had to work out what number they where by looking at the way that they acted, walking up to the chair, the way they talked and any other details they added. We also wnet over anything that they did that might have made us question the number they were and why we may have through otherwise if our guess was wrong. I felt that I had a hard number to act out, the number six, as I was one above the chair but wasn't a very high number that I would 'look down' to it. I ended up...

Acting: Lesson 1

I missed part of the lesson as I had meeting but from I was told the main focus of the lesson was to think about how we pose our body to tell a story. For the part of the lesson that I was there we where put in to groups of three and had to act out a three act structure. To do this we had to freeze in to position at each point of the act that would tell the story that we where trying to show along with thinking about our body language to show what we where thinking. In my group we acted out someone running for the train but ends out gettting tripped up by an old man on purpose. The part I played was the person running for the train which I played out as a school girl, I couldn't really do much with my body to show this other than to hold one of my hands by my shoulder to make it look like I was holding a bag strap in the first scene. The second scene was right at the point when I got tripped so it was harder to show I was a school girl of some kind as both of my arms were outst...

Maya Tutorial - Body Modeling 1


Mudbox: Lesson 5 and 6

Plum In Mudbox from Rhia Crouch on Vimeo . Bottle In Mudbox from Rhia Crouch on Vimeo .

Facial Animation: First Test

Facial Animation Test from Rhia Crouch on Vimeo .

Premise: Character Silhouettes Changes

After getting some feedback about my silhouettes I have had to change them alittle to try incorporate shapes and images that related to the sun and moon along with editing some of the over all shapes of them. I still feel that I have along way to go to create the over all design of the characters but I do feel that I am getting better at thinking about how to design characters. For the Moon I feel that 4 , 10 and 16 are close to what I imagine the Moon wearing, while for the Sun I'm stuck between 3 , 5 , 9 and 12 . Any feedback is welcomed. Moon's Silhouettes Sun's Silhouettes

Scultping: Lesson Two


Life Drawing - Lesson 18


Premise: Character Silhouettes

I'm still trying to work out the designs for my characters and it seems that the over all shape of them might be what is holding me back abit. To help fix the overall shape of the characters I looked at the animated film The Sceret of Kells (2009) and the way that they designed the characters with a overall shape that carried on throughout the whole of the character. Following this I created a number of silhouettes for each character (number 1 is the shape that I had been using for them) to try out differents shapes, styles and idea for them. I haven't added in the hair or the crown as of yet as I want to work out the body first before moving on to that part of them. Any feed back is welcomed. Moon silhouettes Sun silhouettes

Scultping: Lesson One


Sculpting: Ideas


@Alan Sculpting - Ideas

Edea Lee I've been alittle stuck with what character's head I want to try and model and the best one that I've thought of is Edea Lee from the game Bravely Default. However, her hair might be a problem as it just goes all over the place.

Premise: Poem Draft 2

After going after going back and forth with Phil about my poem I finally fell like that I have something that I can work with to help me move forward with my porject. How The Stars Came Be To   If, like me, you’ve ever wondered how the stars high above came to glisten And who might it be who put them there to sparkle like diamonds, then listen. My story begins with two rulers. (You know them as the Sun and the Moon) Just look at their robes incandescent! But – oh dear- they’ll be squabbling soon. For the Sun, you see, was a braggard Into the ears of the corn he would boast Of his gifts of light and of warmth to them And how farmers should worship him most. The moon, looking on, kept her silence. She was a ruler much cooler and wise. Hushed and serene in silver and pearls She likewise shone light from the skies. Of the Moon’s gifts the Sun was dismissive Of her powers the Sun snapped, ‘Oh please!’ You come out in the night when no one’s awake and you fuss w...

Life Drawing - Lesson 17


Maya Tutorial - Lighting Part 5

Arnold Area Light Directional Light Maya Area Light Point Light Spot Light

Maya Tutorial - Lighting Part 6

Block Light Filter 1 Block Light Filter 2 Decay Light Filter 1 Decay Light Filter  2 Decay Light Filter 3 Decay Light Filter 4 Decay Light Filter 5 Gird Light Filter 1 Gird Light Filter 2 Gird Light Filter 3 Gird Light Filter 4 Gird Light Filter 5 Gobo Light Filter 1 Gobo Light Filter 2