Minor: Sun's Head

Finely finished modeling the Sun's head which took me longer than I would have liked because of the shape of the hair and crown, along with facing a number of problems that cost me time. However, I am happy with the way that it has come out.

On the other hand I'm not happy with the renders that I'm showing here as for some reason when I use Arnold Render at home the saved images come out alot darker than what is shown in the render view. I can't seem to find what might be the problem that is causing this so I have had to use a Sky Dome light for the time being, as it shows the model a lot better, untill I can re-render it.


  1. Have you got colour management ticked when you save your image?

  2. Well done, Rhia! Hope Paris has nailed your problem... When it comes to making your models look great, reach out to the likes of Paris, Polly, Graeme, and Laura etc. all of whom have been posting some nice looking 3D model updates... Yo don't have time to struggle on by yourself with stuff that's probably easy to fix - so just reach out and ask for help promptly! You need to be a) not stubborn and b) super-efficient!


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