Minor: 3D Texture Ideas

After getting some feedback on my colour tests that I have done for my characters I set about taking a closer look at the ideas that I have for the textures. The characters themselves are designed to look like wooden dolls and they textures is to make them look like their have been around for hudreds of years, so their designs would give off the idea that they are starting to flake and chip away.

So that I could get a better idea of what this would look like I started to look at different types of wooden objects, as well as other materials that seem to have a second layer of colour to them, to see how the effect would work on the characters and if there is any more details that need to be added. This included looking at things such as old wooden statues and painted broad as well as young childrens' toys to get an idea of the play factor of the characters.

Reference image map

I wasn't too sure where to start with trying out the textures in Maya so I decided to begin with playing around with Blinn shader to see if I could get the hang of the different controls and work out what each one of them does. I only picked out some of the main colours that I wanted to focused on and see if I could recreate them using the shader.

Moon texture tests in Maya
As Moon is described as being silver in the poem so I played around with working on the shine. I also played around with some of the blue colours to see what they would look like when I used them as a shader.

Sun texture tests in Maya
With the Sun I wanted to work on the idea that they are giving off the idea warmth so I was looking at the second colour that appears on the shader with this one and toning down the shine abit.

I'm not too sure how I'm going to add the idea of wood grains and flaking paint to the characters if I use Blinn or any other shaders to help texture them but I think that I might have a small idea of how I might be able to go about it. I might have to add some type of UV map to the shapes over the shaders to create the textures that is partly see through so the shader can be seen under it.

Any feedback is welcomed.


  1. Hey Rhia - while I think the Sun stuff feels nice and rich and warm, I think the Moon's palette is still reading as a bit drab - can I suggest you consider using 'snow whites' and 'dove whites' for her face etc and keep those metallic tones for her outfit? I think that might stop her from looking too 'sci-fi' too.


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