@Alan Collaboration: Walk Test
Walk Cycle test from Rhia Crouch on Vimeo . Been trying to work on Moom's walk for a skit but I'm not sure what else to do before I put him in to the screen so I can work out him swimming and coming out of the water. He is meant to walk as if he is weigh down by the goo and also wobbels a little bit. I know the eyes are off and there seems to be a phantom animation going on with his right hand that I can't work out.
well done, Rhia - I hope you're pleased with yourself! Right then - let's get these into 3D shall we... and then I want you to think about their materiality and their texturing: for me, these can't be 'shiny and new' - they must feel like beloved characters in some classic re-telling of an old, old story... a bit like wooden nativity figures that are brought out year-on-year to tell their story!
(lots of old gold and silver - slightly worn, very comforting to look at etc).
You'll also need to look again at the 'Poma' tutorials for the 2D face-rig on the CAA website - because you're going to need to understand those principles for your facial animation. Keep the energy up, stay positive and push through to the next stage as powerfully and promptly as possible! :)