Minor: Character Base Designs 4

Finally gotten round to putting the faces on to Moon and Sun meaning that their are nearly finished as a whole but I feel that some small edits might still need to be done to the faces, mostly with the Sun.

I am quite happy with the look for Moon but it's Sun's overall face that still seems to be bugging me a bit, he seems to look abit "dopey" in my mind. This might be the fact that I have used the same eyes as I have done on Moon and turned the the base of them up slightly so that it looks like they are pointing upwares alittle. I also feel that I might need to rethink the beard abit as something abit doesn't seem to sit with the slightly boyish personalty.

I've also coloured in the eyelids so that it would make them easier to see in the image.


  1. I think the King's eyes are too big - they make him look too young - if you reduce them a bit, I think he will look more 'masculine' - also if you consider changing the curve of his nose to something less 'perky' - consider a bigger, stronger 'Roman' profile instead...



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