Minor: Sun Face Changes

While working on the Moon's face designs I have also been looking at the Sun's face. I decided that the designs would be a mirror of the Moon's and also to be something to work off of with the hope that it might help me to see the designs being used on a different character and see any problems that might happen when they are moved over.

1 - This was the default design that I was using for my characters. It is a bit basic but has helped me to think about the way that I could add in some face paint that would be round eye as a parallelto the make up used on Moon.

2 - For the second design I throught about adding in suns in to the eyes just like I had done with Moon's designs, the only problem that I have with this is the points on the sun as there have made the Sun look too cute. It has also given Sun a bit of a dead stare that might make them seem unsettling to the viewer.

3 -The design was designed with the idea that it was going to be animated, such as the pupil moving around and blinking, so I went with a more rounded look and opened up the eyes so that their would be visible and could be clearly seen shutting and opening. I also tried out put some of the face paint around the eyes so that they would look like the points of the sun.

4 - The fourth design is not one of my favourites as I feel that it doesn't fit the show off character that the Sun is. However, the one part that I do like about this is using two different tones in the eyes as this will take away form using one solid colour. I do have a design for Moon that uses a similar eye shape and that got some positive feedback so maybe that is does have something going for it or it could help me later on.

5 - This was another attempt at trying to put the sun in to the eyes but I feel that this design is abit of a failure and could have been done better, also the design paired with Sun's hair makes him look too much like a girl.

Any feedback is welcomed.


  1. Okay - I'm going to be super-honest here... I don't like any of them: I think you need to decide on a design language for your eyes for both characters and stick to it, and my view is that those eyes need to be engaging and appealing and not as complex as having to reflect the moon or sun-ness of the characters. I also think you need to simplify all that hair and beard; it's all too asymmetrical - I think it more likely that the beard and hair would be 'carved' for simplicity of line and sculptural effect - I know you're trying to go for the 'sun rays', but I think 'shape the beard' and give him a crown and a 'sun-ray' effect collar, and we'll get the point. Take a look at Pheobus from Hunchback for a good reference:



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