Minor: Project Schedule and Submission

This is my plan for my Minor project so that I can stay on track with what I need to do and how long I plan to do it or now long I think it is going to take me. Also, by the end the Minor Project I plan to submit:
  • Up dated Pre-viz with sound
  • Script
  • Pop-ups designs
  • Texture tests
  • Characters designed, modeled, rigged and textures
  • Animation tests and wireframes
  • Making of document
  • Reflective statement
I'm not sure how much work I will be able to do over the Christmas holidays due to family plans and being able to use my computer as it sits on the dinner table and it might be moved out of the way for the hoilday, so I've planned to get the heavy work done first. So I have left a few days empty that I know for sure that I won't be able to get to the computer. I've also planed in a 'Work over flow' just incase I get pushed back in my plans becasue of this or for some other reason, I can use these days to catch up.

I've also noted the day that I'm going up to London as I know that I won't be able to do any work on that day.


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