Minor: Sun and Moon Tail Reshape

One part that plays an important role in the designs of my characters are the tails. It is one of the parts of the characters that give off the idea that they are mythical creatures and that they flying in the sky as well as showing off some of their personalty.

1 - This first design is a more extreme version of the one from the 3D model with the idea of drawing out Moon's feminine features abit more. The end of the tail is meant to look like two crescent moons but I feel that it might be hard to move her around with this design.

2 - To play off of the idea that the characters look like wooden peg dolls while still make Moon look like a girl, it would also help to sit Moon on the ground better as the base is flat. If I do use this one I might have to edit it so that it looks more feminine.

3 - The third design is a mix of the other two, with the current moon design from the first idea on one side of the tail while still having the straight body of the second design. I do feel that this one can might be easy to move around the scene.

1 - This is a more extreme version of the idea that I used in the 3D model. The ends of the tail is meant to look like flames coming off of the sun, the ends are also meant to point the opposite way to Moon's tail.

2 - Sun's second tail design is meant to look like the base of a wooden peg doll so that it can sit on the floor better. This might also help me when it comes to designing the pattens that could appear on the tail.

3 - This one is also a mix of the other designs, the flat base used of the peg doll while still having the flame design from the first one. If I do use this one I might have to edit it abit as I can't see how to move this in the animation.

Any feedback is welcomed.


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