Perspectives: Postmodernism Words 3

Metanarrative - This can be explained as a type of 4th wall break in which something points out that it is fake or not real and uses that to explain its self and others like it.

Essentialism - The idea that science can find out and understand the different building block that things are made up of.

Utopian - The idea that it is possible to create a perfect world that everyone can live in. The ideas of a utopia is mostly based on the creater's ideas of what is perfect.

Axiomatic - When something is axiomatic it doesn't need to be proven as it is clear what it is.

Dystopian - The opposite of utopia, a dystopia is a place that is not perfect in anyway and has broken down in society. Dystopia normal follows after utopia as one person's ideas of the perfect world will not fit with everyone elses.

Scepticism - The idea that not all infomation is true or is viewed as not being useful.

Relativism - That knowledge is only relative to the people and groups that it relates to.

Pluralism - When two or more groups of people or ways of living coexist side by side.


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