Collaboration: Storybroad 1

Crocodile Storybroad
Piranha Storybroad
Rubber Ring Storybroad
3 storybroads for some of my team's animation ideas. These are to visually show how the jokes with our character would play out and if need be need to be changed.

The first shows our idea for "When Not To Swim - Crocodile". The Victorian Gentleman jumps off the edge of a pier but lands in a Crocodile's mouth, he stops in mid air and tries to 'swim' his way out before the Crocodile snaps it's mouth closed.

The second is "When Not To Swim - Piranha". This one is a bit simpler to understand than the others. Our character is happly swiming along but as he gets out of the water a Piranha is shown to be bitting his butt.

The last one is "When Not To Swim - Rubber Ring". The idea for the rubber ring is that the Victorian Gentleman walks to the breach and pulls the cord, but the rubber ring start to inflate too much and covers his body. Afterwards, he walks in to the sea but starts to floats away off screen.


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