Perspectives: Postmodernism Words 2

The Enlightenment Project - At this time people stopped looking to God for the answers of the world and started to research and investigate with more of a scientific approach.

Modernity - This links in with the Enlightenment Project as it means to be thinking with the most up to date ideas of the time.

Structuralism - A way of understanding and working out what makes up the different parts of human behaviour based on life style, culture and up bringing.

Ahistorical - If something is ahistorical than it is ignoring or forgetting about the past and/ or traditions of something else.

Irreducible - When something is so simple that it can not be reduced anymore.

Objective - The goal that is being aimed for. However, in poststructualism the end goal can not always be reached as everyone has their own ideas of what the out come should be based on their own throughts.

Transparent - Easy to understand as well as being truthful.

Universal - When something is universal it is generally done or accepted by the world or within a particular class group.

Definitive - If something is definitive then it can't be changed or it is first of its kind.

Poststructuralism - In poststructuralism the idea of someone else's thoughts are put to one side and are replaced with the thoughts and ideas of the person who is looking at their work. This is most commonly seen as the Death of the Author.

Reflexivity - When something makes a reference to something else that is in relation to another that is similar to it in someway.

The Unreliable Narrator - When the person who is telling the story becomes questioned as being reliable. They could be telling the story from their point of view, changing parts of the story or leaving infomation out.


  1. Hey Rhia - look again at your definition for 'objective' - you've got an accurate one here, but not the 'right' one in terms of 'high modernism' and the 'enlightenment project' - try looking at 'objective' as it relates to 'objectivity' and 'the objective truth'.

  2. Oh yeah - and let's see your definitions/understanding of the other words: so The Enlightenment Project and how it relates to 'modernity' - a definition for structuralism and poststructuralism, and 'reflexivity'...


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