Collaboration: First Ideas

With the start of our second year in Computer Animation Arts we have been put in to groups so that we can work together on creating an animated short. This way we can get an understanding of working in a studio like environment as well as working with other people and sharing ideas.

The people I will be working alongside are:
Laura, Alexis and Jess

For our animation we were given a prompt that we had to come up with ideas for following the theme of comedy.

Our prompt is:
“When not to......”

We all decided that we would all go away and think up some of our own ideas for this and show them to each other the next day. The ones that I was able to think up were:

....Play a ball game
....Point out/ see a spider
....Get on a rollercoaster
....Get a hair cut
....Go on holiday
....Bring your Girlfriend/ Boyfriend home
....Pop the question
....Dine and dash
....Get a tattoo
....Go on a diet
....Google yourself
....Change channel
....Hit send


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