Collaboration: Character Ideas

For our animation we had to think about what type of character would be fit in with the "When not to swim" scenarios we were coming up with as this would help design the world's art style. It would also help us when we are starting to animated the character as would have a ruff idea of how that type of character would move.

My Character Ideas:

Victorian Explorer - Everwhere he goes he thinks that he is still in Africa.

Victorian Strong Man - Classic big upper body with fur pants.

Idiot Teenager - The type that copies things off of Youtube or Jackass because it looked cool, even if the video said not to.

Mr Bean like character - Stupidity just follows them around.

Average Joe - Just an everyday man who is just the victim of the scenario.


  1. My money is on the Victorian Explorer. He would be fun and make for great comedy because of his stiff upper lip Britishness and outright determination.


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