Soundscape - Reflective Statement

This project has not been one of my best for this year. I’m more used to hearing a sound and imagining an image for it than looking at an image and trying to work out what it would sound like, also I normally think up stories that go along with the sounds so can’t really focus on a still image.

I did find it fun using Adobe Audition and making the different sound effects but found that I was only comfortable making them individually and struggled trying to put them together so that they would make sense. I also feel that the sounds that I recorded might not have helped when I was putting them together. A lot of them sounded metallic so made it hard to create something that didn’t have that feel to it.

I did have to ask for help from someone in another year and what was their opinion on my soundscapes. They did show me that adding another layer to the scape, I was only using 3 layers to play it safe, could give the idea of depth and that there is more going on in the image which is something that I kept in mind when I tried it myself.


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