Fantastic Voyage - Pitch Feedback

Overall, I had some pretty good feedback for my pitch and my idea seemed to go down quite well. The main feedback I got was just little things that I could tweak to help fix up the overall design and story of the animation. This included:

1) Using softer colours for the background and stepping away from the deep red I have been using.

2) To not use colours like grey for the checkpoints or convey belts as this, and the point above, is making things a little dystopian, instead I need to make it friendlier looking with softer edges.

3) Maybe give each of the checkpoints their own personally; this has got me thinking about the different personality cores for the Portal games and how they can help me in my design.

4) To think about how I could use sounds to help with the point above.

5) Adding in a cell that doesn’t pass to show what would happen in the cell cycle if this happens.


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