Major: Stage Lighting Tests

I have been trying to work out the lighting for the stage that will be the main location for my animation.

I've been playing around with useing colour lighting to help add another element to my characters. This will hopfully give the idea that they are glowing with light on their side of stage, it will also give the idea that they have some type of power behind them.

Sun light colour test

Moon light colour test
I also been trying to work out what the background should look like and how it will help to light the stage. I've added in a test background sot hat I can see how the texture would effect the lighting on the sky dome light.

Lighting background test

Moon light colour test with background

Sun light colour test with background

After feeling that this was abit too dark I added another area light over the stage to brighten it up and it seems to be the closest to what I want to achieve.

Lighing test with background 1

Lighting test with background 2

Lighting test with background 3

Lighting test with background 4


  1. Hi Rhia - not sure if the 'star cloth' effect on the back of the set is what you're going for? My feeling is, that if so, it's not quite right - I think your world is much more 'shape-based' - simple shapes etc - as opposed to anything to painterly or impressionist. Again - think about the sorts of wooden toys/carousels etc you've been looking at for inspiration.


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