Major: Eye Texture Problem

I seem to be having a problem with the eye textures as a white ring appears around the eye where it should be blending in to the base head texture.

White rings on Moon

White rings on Sun

I did have this problem before with the Sun model and the way I fixed it was to redo the eye shapes so that they were saved with the base texture when I flattened the image. However, it seems that this has no lasted as both characters have this issue after I imported them in to the stage scene to started animating.

I might resave the textures for the file and replug them in, but I'm worried that after I start to move the files uni to home and back again the problem might happen again.


  1. Hi Rhia. This is not Anything that you've done wrong. It's caused by 'premultiplication'. Arnold averages the colours at the edge of your alpha map....making greys white. See me an we'll look at creating a fix.


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