Major: Colour Test Sun

I have been testing out what the colours for my characters should look like as this is something that I havn't set in stone yet. Being able to see the colours on the models has helped me work out what is working and what isn't

Out of the 4 that I have done I feel that the 3rd design fits the design of the character as it is what I imagine the colours of a human Sun to look like.

After I have worked out what the base colours are going to be, I will start to use this for the textures so that I'm not starting from scratch.

Colour Test 1

Colour Test 1

Colour Test 1

Colour Test 2

Colour Test 2

Colour Test 2

Colour Test 3

Colour Test 3

Colour Test 3

Colour Test 4

Colour Test 4

Colour Test 4


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