Major: Pop-ups 2

I've been working on the rest of the pop-ups that will appear in my animation. As I was making then I was thinking about the feedback that I got for the first set that I had made and tried to implement it in designs, but I feel that some might need to be re-worked.

Lovers Pop-up

Sleep Pop-up

Travellers Pop-up

Wave Pop-up


  1. Hi Rhia.... I don't think 'zzzz' is very 'traditional' right? Why don't you just have a bed? Do you need all these people in these icons? I don't think so. I also don't understand the travellers one either? I think you need to think a bit harder and more 'beautifully' about these assets, Rhia - they are going to read as 'lumps' if you're not careful... take a look at the silhouette work of Lotte Reiniger for a clear example of how you might think in more refined ways about these 'delicate' scenes - remember the whole laser-cutting references - you can get much more detail - and design! - into those elements...

    and take a look at these:

    Can I suggest that maybe you start thinking about collaging silhouettes together (from other sources) and then taking those into Maya and turning them into these assets? I just don't think your line work/silhouette work is elegant or communicative enough for audiences to make the link between what they're hearing and what they're being shown.


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