Premise: Sun and Moon Designs

After a few redesigns and feedback, Sun and Moon are getter close to having their overall designs finished. There still needs to be the odd tweak here and there, such as adding in smaller details, but I am quit happy with how the designs are coming along. Moon looks calm and gentle while Sun looks boyish and loud.

The only thing that I am unsure about right now is if I should set the colour opacity to 100% or at 50%. Any feedback is welcomed.

Colours at 100%

Colours at 50%


  1. Hey Rhia - don't freak about, but I'm not sure these are finished as you're hoping they are... For example, I don't yet understand the actual structure of their hands... why don't they have actual hands? They're so expressive and useful in animation terms - they look like they've got pincers to me - which, in keep with the tails, makes them look like sea creatures, when they're 'sky creatures' - I think this is a problem. I also think you need to look at these guys structurally - if these were actual puppets made out of actual wicker or whatever, they'd be made up of planes and contours and forms... also, the sun is 'radiant' and showy, so wouldn't there be more complexity in terms of the flourish of his tail and his crown and so on? I just don't think you've got the contrasts here and I don't think these are working as convincing 'objects' - I just think you need to change up the way you 'keep' drawing these guys - your existing method is somehow smoothing out all the necessary information in terms of these guys as 3D objects in waiting. If all of this sounds doomy and negative, it's not meant to - on the contrary, Premise is about ensuring that a student's project is absolutely fit for purpose before any 3D work is undertaken and I'm urging you to remove the full-stop from this process and push everything on still further. I'm just not seeing any evidence really that you're taking inspiration and instruction from some of the really strong visual reference you've done in terms of other cultures and fabricated effigies. I'm also going to call-out those eyes, Rhia - you've been drawing eyes like that since year one - and while they might suit a 2D drawing, they're not helping you think in readiness for 3D. Sorry for playing hardball, my dear, but these designs are not resolved just yet. I can't get a sense of to which culture/ethnicity/world your characters belong - and I really think you need a strong style to situate your story in - not least because you're moving into environment design too. You might want to look at the fashion illustrations of Erte Romain - I think if you were to go more 'Art Deco' in terms of your inspiration, you may find that your love of smooth curves etc. might be reflected usefully here - but also take a really good look at the hats/accessories/costumes etc...


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