@Alan Collaboration: Walk Test
Walk Cycle test from Rhia Crouch on Vimeo . Been trying to work on Moom's walk for a skit but I'm not sure what else to do before I put him in to the screen so I can work out him swimming and coming out of the water. He is meant to walk as if he is weigh down by the goo and also wobbels a little bit. I know the eyes are off and there seems to be a phantom animation going on with his right hand that I can't work out.
can you try something new with the 'tail' - think of her as having legs in there covered by a long floating trail - for example, if you imagine the dress is essentially a long cone with a scalloped bottom edge...
I think you need to think even bigger in terms of exaggeration and attenuation of her shape - I also think you should make those crescent moons bigger - create a series of iterations of this same character in which you REALLY push the exaggeration - so a version with HUGE crescent moons and then a version with smaller, but still BIG crescent moons - and a version where you put a massive long/wide cone dress on the bottom of her - think more theatrically - for example, imagine that her skirt is like this lovely big cone that is illuminated within by swirling moving shapes like one of these...
and maybe considering giving her long 'evening gloves' instead to enhance her sophistication?
Hi Rhia
Deletegoing on what Phil said, check out this beautiful music video by an Estonian artist named Kerli, notice the dress - how it glows and pulsates and the way that the hair is bulbous like a flower about to bloom, Kerli has always been inspiring at conceptualising the meaning behind her lyrics through her visuals (which she directs and makes all the costumes for) - it might inspire something in your designs, you should watch the making of her music videos too :)
Thanks, I'll look in to it. :3