Premise: Character Silhouettes Changes

After getting some feedback about my silhouettes I have had to change them alittle to try incorporate shapes and images that related to the sun and moon along with editing some of the over all shapes of them.

I still feel that I have along way to go to create the over all design of the characters but I do feel that I am getting better at thinking about how to design characters.

For the Moon I feel that 4, 10 and 16 are close to what I imagine the Moon wearing, while for the Sun I'm stuck between 3, 5, 9 and 12.

Any feedback is welcomed.

Moon's Silhouettes

Sun's Silhouettes


  1. I like the shape of the clothing on 5 for the Moon, and the wrap around on the shoulders of 16.
    And I really like 11 for Sun, and the way the tail curls around on 9.


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