Premise: Character Designs

I've been working on the designs for the Sun and the Moon and trying to work out what the basic designs of them would look like before editing them to add in the lantern idea. It also gives me the chance to see what colours and pattens work well together along with if there are any design elements that could be swap round to improve it. The designs themselfs are in pairs with each one going to its matching number. Any feedback is welcomed.

Moon basic designs

Sun basic designs

Moon designs with details showing

Sun designs with details showing


  1. Hey Rhia - I think you should do some separate head designs/studies - I don't think the 'head is a sphere' is helping you here - I think you need to think more structurally and more in a 'mask-makers' way - so instead of spheres, think in terms of contouring and shapes and actual pronounced features... I also think it would help you a lot if you decided on an ethnicity or existing style of puppetry/mask-making to work within... so

    I think you should also think much 'bigger/bolder' in terms of their headdresses/crowns etc as they identify with the sun and the moon elements etc - and I think too you need to give them proper hands to stop them looking like insects or aliens. You'll know I liked the idea of them not having legs, but I think you should explore this 'tail' element more too - perhaps look at depictions of comet tails and sun beams/moon beams for a more expressive approach to their 'tails':

    (Perhaps think of them as more like tunics or robes that hide the legs and create a sense of flow through the sky?)


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