From Script To Screen - Art Style Influence Map

As my story takes place close to the sea I decided that my art style should to reflect that. This in my mind could mostly come form useing watercolour style textures, I also had the idea that the outlines could be similar to lossely drawn ink paintings.

I had the idea that blues, greens and grays would been the main colour scheme for my story, the idea for this came from the colours that we normally think of when it comes to the sea and wild storms. It would also help to show the cold and sadder parts of the animation, I would also off set this with a sepia like tone to help show the warmer parts of the story.

For the style of clothing that the characters would ware I thought that the nautical theme should stay with them of obvious reasons. To make it clear that the story take place close to the sea and that some of the characters work in this environment I've chosen to use the classic fisherman's outfit of thick woollen fabrics. The clearest example of this design is fisherman from the Victorian era.


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