Minor: Reflective Statement

Looking back at my Minor project I can see that this has really tested on a number of levels and has made me face things that I would normally not want to do. It has also made me see how much work I have to do to reach my goals.

My main aims for this project was to have the two characters in my animation fully rigged and textured but I seemed to had over estimated my working abilities, as there was a number of times that I had to go back to something to make it better after getting feedback on it. The main thing that this happen with was redesigning my characters. I was happy and willing to get the feed back and act on it but after some time I was starting to feel that I wasn't going anywhere with my work and was wasting time fixing the smallest of details. I was hoping to have them done with in two weeks but it took much longer.

After I had finaly landed on a finished for my characters I had to start thinking about how I was going model them in Maya. I haven't been that confident with using Maya in the past so I was abit scared as to where to start or how I was going to create some of the more complex parts such as the hair and tail dresses. However, after I was shown a simpler way of modeling it became quit easy for me and I was able to move along doing each part of the models in turn. I am happy that I was able to create two fully modeled characters before the handin but I still feel that I could have been alot quicker with what I was doing.

I still feel that I have alot to do to create my finished film but I know that at the moment I am just createing the different parts for it before slowly putting them together. I know that I need to work faster in order to have a finished film but it seems that my fear for getting things wrong overwhelms me sometimes. However, if I keep moving forward with what I am doing then I will have something to look back on and be proud of.


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