Minor: What's the next move?

For my third year I have been thinking a lot about where I need to go with my work and how I’m going to do it, however, this has caused me to have a bit of a knock in confidence and made me fearful of the end result.

Looking back, I think that one reason way I might have gotten like this because I was over loaded with ideas or that I gotten worried about my skill set becoming a problem when I try to bring it in to Maya. I’ve never really been too confident about my work and as I was working on something that was my own idea I think I might have panicked and got too stuck on trying to get everything right.

My plan is to carry on with my premise project and take it on in to my Minor. My hope is to set in stone the art style and to research the over all feel and look of my characters. The best way of not making this seem like a task, and to make this more fun for me, is to play around with texture simples in Maya. This might include making little tests similar to glaze tests to see if I can find one that works.

Another aim I have is to finish a pre-viz that I have been working on over the summer to get some feedback on it and see if some scenes need to be edited. Some of the things that I want to show in my animation have been a little tricky for me to work out but I’m sure that I can find a way of doing it. Another side idea is to start looking at ideas for the sound track but I partly fear that this might over load me again.

I also plan to build my confidence in myself and my work and try to put it in to my mind that I am making a film to be pride of.


  1. I love this post, Rhia - upbeat, constructive, honest. I 100% believe in you and your project: I think it's the perfect fit for you and you need to ask 'what can Maya do for you' in terms of getting your film made in such a way as it looks exactly as it should look; your animation is a world in its own right. Let's do this, Ms Crouch! :)


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