Illustrator tutorial - The basic outline

When designing different parts for an animation making some of the ideas clearer than others, this helps to plan out some of the finale ideas that could be used for the props, sets and characters. 

To get an understanding of this we were set with designing our own background characters that could be used in PIXAR's Monsters University and so that we didn't just design something straight out of our heads we were given prompts to what each of our characters should include. Mine were:

Artist/ Beatnik
1 Leg
4 Arms
5 Eyes

After sketching out some ideas, using these rules, for the character I finely came up with the final design that I was happy with to put into Illustrator.
The final sketch
I have never used Illustrator before and just trying to understand the basics of using the pen tool took sometime but after a while I got the hang of using the Alt-key to create sharp turns and the holding down the left mouse button to make a bend.

Finished outlines

After I had finished picking out all the outlines I started to play around with the style of the lines to take away the cartoon looking thick black outline and to make the character look as if they had been inked out using a real pen.

Edited outlines


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