
Showing posts from September, 2017

Maya Tutorial - Mirror Error

When I went to mirror the head I noticed that it didn't work the way it was supposed. It seemed to pinch part of the model out of shape for no reason. When I tryed to move the vertexs I saw that the mirror had created an extar face as well. I've had to undo the mirror and try it again but I still get the same results each time, I've also checked and double checked the mirror settings but they are the same as the ones in the video.

Collaboration: Character Ideas

For our animation we had to think about what type of character would be fit in with the "When not to swim" scenarios we were coming up with as this would help design the world's art style. It would also help us when we are starting to animated the character as would have a ruff idea of how that type of character would move. My Character Ideas: Victorian Explorer - Everwhere he goes he thinks that he is still in Africa. Victorian Strong Man - Classic big upper body with fur pants. Idiot Teenager - The type that copies things off of Youtube or Jackass because it looked cool, even if the video said not to. Mr Bean like character - Stupidity just follows them around. Average Joe - Just an everyday man who is just the victim of the scenario.

Character Design: Lesson 1

In our first character design lesson we went over the ways of working when it come to creating a character, with the main point being looking at reference images and not relaying on our minds to fill in the blanks. We also picked out a number that would relate to the type of tasks we would be doing over the next few weeks. My number is 11 which means that I will be designing a scientist who travels back in time to ancient Rome in an iconic style

Life Drawing - Lesson 2

For our second lesson in life drawing we focus more on experimenting with our art styles as well as experimenting with different materials, such as highlighters. I really tried to use looser lines in my drawings and using shadows around the body to try and place them on the page. My first of drawings were compared to the work of Henri Matisse.

Animation: Arnold Lighting

Directional Light SkyDome Light with cold colour temperture SkyDome Light with hot colour temperture Mesh Lighting (on gems)

Collaboration: My Job Roles

For our collaboration project we had to split a number of roles between the four of us. This way we can spread the work load evenly and to also understand how it would be working in a studio and relaying on other people. My job roles are: Layout Artist Storyboard Artist Screenwriter Compositer Marketing Manager

Perspectives: Postmodernism Words 2

The Enlightenment Project - At this time people stopped looking to God for the answers of the world and started to research and investigate with more of a scientific approach. Modernity - This links in with the Enlightenment Project as it means to be thinking with the most up to date ideas of the time. Structuralism - A way of understanding and working out what makes up the different parts of human behaviour based on life style, culture and up bringing. Ahistorical - If something is ahistorical than it is ignoring or forgetting about the past and/ or traditions of something else. Irreducible - When something is so simple that it can not be reduced anymore. Objective - The goal that is being aimed for. However, in poststructualism the end goal can not always be reached as everyone has their own ideas of what the out come should be based on their own throughts. Transparent - Easy to understand as well as being truthful. Universal - When something is universal it is generall...

Animation: Posing

For our first Maya lesson of our second year we worked on posing a character while using a reference image. In total we worked on 5 action poses. 1st pose reference image 1st pose model 2nd pose reference image 2nd pose model 3rd pose reference image 3rd pose model 4th pose reference image 4th pose model 5th pose reference image 4th pose model

Collaboration: Group Blog

For our collaboration project we have been put into groups and come up with a studio name. We have also created a blog to show off our work together. Our Studio name is..... Last Laugh Animations

Perspectives: Postmodernism Words 1

High modernism - The idea that the world can be changed by believing solely in the latest technology and sciencetifc fact. Capitalist - Someone who uses their money to invest in businesses. Superabundance -Having more of one thing than is normaly perferred. Disconnected - To break communication or to take something away from it's original place. Pop - Short for Popular culture or Pop culture it refers to ideas, thoughts and images that are used everyday and have become part of mainstream culture. Fragmentary - To be made up of a number of small parts that may or maynot fit together. Eclectic nostalgia - Something that is made up of a number of different sources that create a feeling of longing for the past. Simulacra - To be an uncanny likeness or a representation of something else. Superficiality - Only appearing on the surface. Flippant -To be seen as not being serious or respectful to something or someone. Depthless - Something that has no end. Fabulation -...

Perspectives: 5 Reasons Why Kill Bill Is Postmodern

5 reasons why the 2003 film Kill Bill by Quentin Tarantino is seen as being postmodern. 1 - The film makes a number of interextual refereces to other films such as the way that it is shot and the different genres that are used such as action, Japanese cinema and westens. Tarantino even hinds a referece to his 1994 flim Pulp Fiction in which Uma Thurman, who played the role of The Bride in Kill Bill , also started in. At the beginning of Kill Bill Thurman draws a square in the air something that her character, Mia Wallace, also did in Pulp Fiction . 2 - By the end of the flim it is clearly reminding the viewer that it is fictional. In The Bride's fight with the Crazy 88 she is able to easily take them all out one by one without getting hit once by any of them, most of them just stand by and do nothing before being cut in half by The Bride. At one point a Crazy 88 member is seen jumping up one floor and landing perfectly on the railing. 3 - Kill Bill also follows one o...

Life Drawing - Lesson 1

  For our first lesson of life drawing in our second year we mostly focused on getting back in to the swing of things with some simple poses and quick sketchs. Throughout this year we will also be looking at what ways we can start to bring out our own style of drawing as well as looking at which artists influence us.

Collaboration: First Ideas

With the start of our second year in Computer Animation Arts we have been put in to groups so that we can work together on creating an animated short. This way we can get an understanding of working in a studio like environment as well as working with other people and sharing ideas. The people I will be working alongside are: Laura, Alexis and Jess For our animation we were given a prompt that we had to come up with ideas for following the theme of comedy. Our prompt is: “When not to......” We all decided that we would all go away and think up some of our own ideas for this and show them to each other the next day. The ones that I was able to think up were: ....Play a ball game ....Point out/ see a spider ....Get on a rollercoaster ....Get a hair cut ....Go on holiday ....Bring your Girlfriend/ Boyfriend home ....Juggle ....Pop the question ....Die ....Dine and dash ....Get a tattoo ....Go on a diet ....Google yourself ....Swim ....Sneezes ....Change ch...